Used CNC machines in supply chain strategies

The intense global competition between firms in the past few years has driven home the importance of supply chain efficiency. Whether you’re planning an offshore strategy or producing closer to home, you need to focus on optimizing your supply chain.…

Techniques for fleet maintenance scheduling and max. uptime

There’s no greater goal for fleet managers than maximizing uptime. A well-oiled fleet boosts profits, enhances customer satisfaction, and reduces costs. Downtime, on the other hand, is the biggest enemy of productivity — resulting in estimated losses of anywhere between $480…

Service facility allocation – an optimization

In the bustling city of Rio de Janeiro, opening and operating a series of barbershops comes with a unique set of challenges, especially when operating on a tight budget for renovation and rental expenses. In this article, I am sharing…

Warehouse receiving process simulation

A warehouse receiving process simulation study was conducted for bottleneck detection and resolution, applying the SCDA pallet receival simulator. The simulation study modelled various warehouses with different pallet receival processes and directly impacted warehouse process adjustments, contract management, and capacity-related…

Customer cluster analysis for distribution strategy drafting

Distribution network design requires a clear understanding of customer groups from a spatial viewpoint – with group-specific preferences and needs as well as other relevant characteristics. This is why the simple SCDA geocoding and heat mapping app was used by…