This web-deployable app (developed in Python with Shiny) can be used for running a geocoding app on your local computer or on a server, as a web-app. Users are allowed to upload a template .csv-file containing relevant addresses. These addresses are geocoded using an free open service, and the successfully geocoded locations are displayed in a table. The geocoded data can also be exported, i.e. downloaded, in .csv-format.
Above video demonstrates the use of the web-app. If you need to deploy this app on a server, for running and providing it as a web-app, please feel free to contact us for techincal support.
Detailed content overview for this virtual downloadable product
This downloadable virtual project contains:
- and Python modules and scripts for deploying a Shiny Python web- or desktop-application for running a geocoding service
- the underlying program uses the OSM free geocoding service
- a requirements.txt file that lists all Python dependencies required for running this project
- a template input file containing customer ids and addresses, that you can populate with your own addresses (app will geocode these and you can download the geocoded address list)
App uses a free geocoding service; for higher success-rate, rate limits, and precision, you (or we) can integrate a commercial service
Under the hood, this Python app uses a free geocoding service. As it is free, it is subject to rate limits – and every now and then an address is not successfully geocoded. You can see that in the demonstration video, too.
If you need to geocode very large datasets, with several thousand addresses, and/or you want to geocode many different datasets frequently, and at high speed, then you might want to consider using a commercial geocoding service.
Google, for example, offers geocoding services through Google Maps. But there are also many other commercial geocoding services that you would have to use under the hood, i.e. would have to access while executing the underlying source code, for high data volumes, frequent requests, or fast processing. Feel free to contact us with regards to advice and technical implementation support with regards to selection and integration of a commercial geocoding service.
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