Simmer in R for discrete-event simulation

There are various simulation techniques of importance to supply chain data analysis and modelling. One of them is discrete-event simulation. Discrete-event simulation is especially useful for higly dynamic and interdependent systems, as is often the case in complex manufacturing systems…

SPSS, SAS and Stata data in R with haven

In this short article I introduce the haven package in R, and how it can be used for importing data from SPSS in SAV-file format into R. I already demonstrated this as part of a longer coding example, in which…

Spatial data animation: ggmap & gganimate

Following a series of introductionary posts on spatial data visualization in R, covering packages such as ggmap, leaflet, tidygeocoder, geopy, deckgl and osmdata, I here present a framework utilizing some relevant packages. The framework was developed in R. It was…

Testing tidycovid19 data interface in R

There are various packages available in R for retrieving data on covid19 cases. In a previous post I tested coronavirus, a package available in R providing access to data from J.H. University. In this post I want to quickly introduce…

Map-based scatter plots with deckgl in R

In this blogpost I provide a coding example in R for how to create a map-based scatterplot using the deckgl package. This can come in handy when visualising data with some spatial aspect. For example you might want to visualise…