在之前的帖子中,我解释了基于 CAGR 的预测。基于 CAGR 的预测是一种非常简单的预测方法,通常应用于工业中,例如用于预测销售和产量。
(a) 通过计算滚动平均值从历史数据进行预测
(b) 与 (a) 相同,但具有额外的内在增长参数
因此,类别 (b) 是基于 CAGR 的预测和滚动平均预测的组合。
与基于 CAGR 的预测一样,简单的滚动平均预测只能用于限制时间范围。
我在下面的编码示例中实现了这种预测方法,使用了一个计算定义长度的移动平均值的函数。我在 R 中实现了这个函数,并将其用于预测未来值。我将函数称为“sma_forecast”。它在下面的 R 代码中实现:
# a function for predicting future values of a time series, based on a simple moving average
# parameter "length" determines amount of time into the future predicted
# parameter "past" is a vector with all initial historic values; moving average will start as the mean over all of these values
sma_forecast = function(past,length){
# create a empty vector of desired "length"
future = rep(0,times = length)
# connect past and future into one vector
prediction = c(past,future)
# iterate through prediction vector and populate the missing values
for(i in (length(past)+1):length(prediction)){
prediction[i] = mean(prediction[(i-length(past)):(i-1)])
# return the prediction as the final result
此工作流程的下一步是读入历史数据。在这种情况下,我读入了按国家/地区划分的汽车行业年产量数据,以特定国家/地区特定年份生产的单位数量来衡量。最后一步是使用 sma_forecast 计算预测。所有这些都是在下面的编码示例中使用 R 完成的:
# read in readxl
# read in data
data_df = as.data.frame(read_xls("oica.xls"))
# view header
## year country total
## 1 2018 Argentina 466649
## 2 2018 Austria 164900
## 3 2018 Belgium 308493
## 4 2018 Brazil 2879809
## 5 2018 Canada 2020840
## 6 2018 China 27809196
# view tail
## year country total
## 835 1999 Turkey 297862
## 836 1999 Ukraine 1918
## 837 1999 UK 1973519
## 838 1999 USA 13024978
## 839 1999 Uzbekistan 44433
## 840 1999 Others 11965
# filter out USA, using dplyr
data_df = filter(data_df,country=="USA")
# plot time series, using ggplot2 in R
ggplot(data_df) +
geom_path(mapping = aes(x = year, y = total/1000000),
size = 2,
color = "red") +
labs(title = "US automotive industry production output",
subtitle = "historical OICA data, for 1999 - 2018") +
xlab("year") +
ylab("output [millions of units]") +
# create new data frame with the historical data and the predictions; make it ggplot2 friendly
# -- re-arrange old data_df
data_df = data_df %>% arrange(desc(-year))
# -- use the sma_forecast function to calculate a forecast, based on simple moving average
predictionVals = sma_forecast(past=data_df$total,length = 10)
# -- create new empty dataframe
plot_df = as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(predictionVals),ncol= 4))
colnames(plot_df) = c("year","country","total","category")
plot_df$total = predictionVals
plot_df$category[1:nrow(data_df)] = "history"
plot_df$category[(nrow(data_df)+1):length(predictionVals)] = "prediction"
plot_df$year = data_df$year[1]:(data_df$year[1]+length(predictionVals)-1)
plot_df$country = data_df$country[1]
# -- plot the content of the dataframe, using gpgplot2
ggplot(plot_df) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = year,
y = total/1000000,
color = category),
size = 2) +
labs(title = "US autmotive industry production output",
subtitle = "A prediction from historic OICA data, based on moving average calculation") +
xlab("year") +
ylab("output [millions of units]") +
(a) 分割训练和测试集以评估方法
(b) 不同国家、时间间隔和预测长度的评估方法
(c) 对不同于生产输出数据的数据进行测试预测
如果您觉得这篇文章有趣,您可以考虑查看我的其他文章,例如基于 CAGR 的预测、获取和分析 OICA 数据、时间序列分析、线性规划、汽车行业销售数据的公共资源等。
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